
雪的大学 Historical Sketch

由耶稣基督后期圣徒教会的丹麦定居者于1888年建立 为了教育自己和孩子,网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行是第一所 叫做桑皮特学院,是在教会领袖克努特·彼得森的敦促下成立的, who supported the church's emphasis on education. Built entirely with local donations, 包括“主日彩蛋”在内,由于当地人难以筹集资金,这所学校的起步并不顺利 他们的梦想.

的 Academy’s first principal, 阿尔玛格林伍德, was assisted by teacher Miss Carrie Henry. 的 first class of 150 students met on Co-op商店的顶楼,这座建筑至今仍屹立不倒,位于 the corner of Main Street and First North.

Mr. Greenwood resigned at the end of 1891 and was replaced by Principal 乔治·克里斯坦森, who served only one year and left to continue his schooling. 他十二点回来 years later and became a teacher at the Academy.

From 1892 to 1921 Newton E. Noyes served as principal, giving his name to the still-occupied administration building. 当奥. Noyes began his years of service, the staff had grown to four full-time teachers and two part-time employees. Tuition for preparatory 课程是4美元.50 for fifteen weeks of study; for intermediate courses, the cost was $6.50 for fifteen weeks.

In 1900 financial woes sent Mr. Noyes to Church headquarters to plead for assistance 教会主席洛伦佐·斯诺批准了2000美元作为当年的学费 拨款. In gratitude, the Sanpete patrons named their school Snow Academy after 洛伦佐·斯诺和应他的要求,以另一位早期拓荒者伊拉斯图斯·斯诺的名字命名. 这个名字 1922年更名为斯诺专科学校,并最终成为现在的学校 name of 雪的大学 in 1923.

牛顿诺伊斯 was followed as principal by Wayne B. Hales who served from 1921 to 1924. 由这个 当时学生人数已增至339人,但只有59人在上大学. 1923年秋,计划将高中学生转到当地学校 教育委员会.

的 next leader of 雪的大学 was 弥尔顿H. 克努森 who served from 1924 until 1933. 当 the high school students were transferred to 当地教育委员会接受了斯诺小学前四年级的学习 作为回报. 总统 克努森 strengthened the college’s normal school by providing 每个学生都有宝贵的教学经验,在督导下熟练掌握 教练. 在克努森总统执政的最后一年,由于财政问题 大萧条造成的困难-教会将网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行转让给州政府.

克努森 was followed by Dr. I. 欧文Horsfall, who served from 1933-1936. Dr. Horsfall stressed self-improvement of the faculty, 在1935年和1936年的夏天,70%的老师都在读研究生 工作. 博士期间. Horsfall’s administration the teacher-training programs were dropped from all two-year schools in the state. As a result, Snow’s curriculum was reduced 从20门课程减少到5门,许多人担心学院将无法生存.

尽管经历了这些变化,但斯诺得到了社区的大力支持和经验 exceptional leadership under another long-term director, 詹姆斯一. Nuttall (1936-1953). A celebration of its first fifty years in 1938 showed the remarkable 这所小型学校的特点是:拥有强大而忠诚的校友群体 一长串杰出人士的名单,愿意牺牲的敬业的教职员工 薪水是为了学校的生存,而一种普遍的感觉是,那些附属于学校的人 with the school have called the “Spirit of Snow.”

1951年,斯诺成为位于洛根的犹他州立农业学院(现为USU)的分校. 它一直是USU的附属机构,直到1969年才成为国家系统的一员 高等教育.

跟随詹姆斯·A. Nuttall来 莱斯特B. Whetten, who led the institution from 1953-1956. Director Whetten’s emphasis for Snow, as 在1953-54年的学校目录中,强调了学校作为一个社区的角色 学院为半径50英里内的每一个公民的利益而“提高他的素质” education and broaden his satisfaction with life.”

Whetten’s successor, J. 艾略特卡梅隆他从塞维尔县的学校督学一职来到斯诺. 在 在卡梅隆主任的任期内(1956- 1958),教师人数增加到26人. 虽然 校园仍然被限制在一个街区,计划扩大校园 and the student body size.

当 Cameron left, the faculty’s choice, 弗洛伊德年代. 河中沙洲, was appointed director in 1958; a popular and effective leader, he served until 1974. 学校经历了重大转变从为生存而战到 stressing academic excellence. School and community pride in Snow’s reputation was 处于历史最高点.

的 next president was J. 马文Higbee. He served from 1974 until 1982. 的 Higbee era was seen as a time of change, appraisal, 和经济增长. Vocational courses were expanded, and the Snow Activity Center—the largest such facility provided in Utah to a two-year college—was funded. 校园扩大了 to the west of Ephraim with plans for a Career Center.

在总统 Steven D. Bennion (1982-1989)获得了就业中心和网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的资金 基金会的成立是为了获得学院及其学生所需的资金. 的 学院为庆祝其百年校庆,举办了一年的纪念校友和表彰活动 the successes and accomplishments of the first one hundred years. 的 school continued 以卓越的学术成就来建立声誉,而斯诺成为了第一个 two-year school in the state to offer an Honors Program. 的 school was also recognized 因为它的戏剧作品、司法奖、音乐贡献、杰出的新闻报道, 值得注意的是英语作为第二语言的课程,以及运动成就-包括 the 1985 National Championship football team.

杰拉尔德·J. 一天 continued to lead the school through significant change. 在 his administration (1989-2001), the Humanities Building was renovated, and the Lucy A. 菲利普斯图书馆 被改造的. 的 Greenwood Student Center was also built, and the Noyes Building 恢复. In addition to increasing the number of physical facilities, 总统 日也有助于增加就业和教育机会的数量 for the people of Central Utah. House Bill 114 officially made the former Sevier Valley Applied Technology Center a branch campus of 雪的大学. 雪的大学 South became 学院的应用技术部门,并创建了一个新的美术部门.

在总统 Michael T. 本森的 任期(2001-2006)期间,新成立的美术部门需要一个家. 总统 本森为新的表演艺术设施乔治S. and Delores Doré Eccles Center. With this major addition to campus, five other facilities 老体育馆、老社科楼、大学宿舍、老剧院, and the old South Ward Music Building) were demolished. Fundraising efforts were a 本森总统任期内的重点工作,以及大量的私人捐款 the college reached historical levels. Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel visited the college, and academic excellence was emphasized.  

That tradition of excellence continued while 斯科特·怀亚特 担任过总统. (2007-2014).  He led the college in growth initiatives and strategic 规划,包括批准学院的第一个四年制学位,实施 of technology-enhanced classrooms, construction of Karen H. Huntsman Library, and a new 400-bed student housing complex. In spite of a national economic downtown, he 倡导积极的营销活动,提升了学院的品牌,并领导了 college to a 40% increase in student enrollment. 

Gary L. Carlston embodied the “Spirit of Snow” during his time as president (2014-2019). 他很有名 as a bridge-builder and collaborator. He 工作ed to unify the Richfield and Ephraim 校园,强调学院是一个机构,有两个校区. 教师 工作人员特别感谢他获得的历史性拨款,这 were used for compensation. 的 infrastructure on both campuses improved as well with 最先进的格雷厄姆科学中心,伯格森体育中心 中心,两个校区的新健身中心,以及塞维尔的教育翼 山谷中心.

布拉德利J. 烹饪 在2019年当选总统时,很少有人能预料到世界会发生什么 during the next three years. Despite navigating through a world-wide pandemic, historic 高等教育的变化和政治动荡,库克始终保持着乐观 and his call for employees to “reimagine” what was possible. His tenure (2019-2022) 最让人印象深刻的是一项500万美元的资助活动, expanding online learning options, securing an additional $4.5 million in funding 从立法机关,并创建一个技术教育部门有效地服务 as the technical college for the six central Utah counties. 

 As the 18th president of 雪的大学, Stacee Yardley McIff 是否热衷于为所有学生服务,特别是那些来自农村的学生 区域. 建立持久的伙伴关系,以服务社会的需要,同时保持 斯诺的高接触,动手的学习方法,麦克夫校长有远见 lead the school into the future.