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Admissions Next Steps


这是你在美国新冒险的开始.S.A. with a top American college.

To help you stay organized as you prepare to study in the United States, we’ve put 把你接下来需要采取的步骤和重要的截止日期列在一起.

Have you finished those 4 steps? 然后你就可以像你一样进入下一个阶段 prepare for your arrival.

1. 重要的事先说,让我们正式点

We’ve extended an offer to you and we’re really excited for you to become part of the Snow College community. 为了确保您的位置,请登录到您的学生 portal.

首先,现在登录以设置My的密码.Snow.Edu and Canvas.

My.Snow.Edu: This is our Student Portal that allows you to access important information, accept scholarships and financial aid, register for classes, and make tuition payments.

Canvas: This is your Learning Management System where you can access your courses and assignments.

  • Go to
  • Enter your Username provided to you in your admit email or welcome letter; this is 您完整的网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行电子邮件(首先)
  • Click Submit.
  • Set your password, which must be 15 characters in length and contain a capital letter 和一个数字或特殊字符.
  • 通过设置双因素身份验证来完成该过程.

如需进一步指导或帮助,请访问我们的 IT website. If you need help, you can 通过网站提交支持票 or send an email to or call +1-435-283-777.

然后你就可以开始使用新的Snow College Office 365电子邮件了.

每个学生都分配了一个Office 365学院电子邮件帐户. Please note that all future Snow College correspondence will be sent to this new email address. 请务必定期查看您的电子邮件!

  • Access your new account at
  • 您的登录名与您的雪学院电子邮件相同
  • 您的密码与您使用的密码相同.Snow.Edu.

If you have questions, please see our FAQs 或探索有用的资源 or contact us by email ude.wons@lanoitanretni.

2. Get your I-20 immigration document, pay your enrollment deposit and Sevis fee

As an international student, you will need an I-20 Form to serve as a legal document 使你能够在美国学习.S. I-20表格是一份很重要的文件 you should keep safe at all times because you will need it throughout your entire international student experience. 了解更多关于I-20表格的信息 国土安全部网站.

Snow College is a Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) certified school, and 因此,国际学生将收到来自Snow的I-20表格. After getting your acceptance letter from Snow, you will receive your I-20, which 你需要的,以便获得你的学生签证.

As soon as you get your I-20 from Snow College, you should take the following steps:

  • 检查细节,确保所有信息准确无误.
  • Print and sign it.
  • Make a note of your SEVIS ID number, which is located on the I-20 sent with your acceptance letter.
  • You should also make note of Snow College’s school code which is on your I-20. You 你的签证申请表上需要填写这个代码吗.
Once we send you the I-20, you then can apply for your F-1 Student Visa early. We strongly advise you to apply as soon as possible because there are many steps ahead and delays can occur.

When you have your I-20 Form, you can pay the $500 enrollment deposit to Snow College.

You can pay the deposit online. If you are unable to use a credit card on that website, you may also make payment via Flywire or PayMyTuition.


Snow College requires all newly admitted international students to pay a US$500 enrollment deposit to confirm your attendance and secure your space for the upcoming semester. By making this payment, it lets us know you are coming so we can prepare everything for you, and ensures that we have the right amount of resources to support you. Spaces can be limited for some courses, so this also ensures you have a spot, and it enables us to keep you updated on important matters to make sure you don’t miss any deadlines.

By paying your enrollment deposit to Snow College, it also shows additional proof of your genuine interest in studying at Snow and your intentions to study in the U.S. This confirmation will be an important document to bring to your visa interview.

How is the deposit used?

This $500 deposit will be fully applied to tuition charges once you register for classes. If you are unable to schedule your visa interview due to visa wait times or you are denied your visa, we can defer your admission and deposit to a future semester, or 退还你的钱(减去50美元的银行和行政费用). If you enter the U.S. and fail to register for classes and fully enroll at Snow College, you will 没收押金,你的I-20将被取消.


After you confirm your place with Snow College by paying the deposit, you can then 开始申请F-1学生签证.

To secure your student visa, you first need to pay the I-901 SEVIS fee to the U.S. government.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start at 浏览流程概述、常见问题解答以及获取有用视频. In some countries, you can pay online by credit card, whereas other countries require you to pay by check or money order. You can 按照这些说明用西联汇款付款.
  2. Go to to pay. 非移民F-1签证的费用是350美元.
  3. 记得打印一份你的收据——你以后会用到它! The payment 确认可以从fmjfee中打印出来.com website anytime. After entering your SEVIS ID, Last Name and Date of Birth you will be able to print your payment confirmation.

3. 申请国际学生签证

干得好,你已经进入了下一步! 在这个阶段,您应该已经有了 your acceptance letter from Snow, an I-20 Immigration Form from Snow, and confirmation 你500美元的入学押金已经支付给网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行了. You should also have a 向美国支付I-901 SEVIS费用的收据.S. government.

Next, you must apply for your student visa, pay the visa application fee, and schedule an in-person appointment.

There are several ways to apply for a Nonimmigrant Visa – the process may vary by U.S. 大使馆或领事馆,所以你应该向离你最近的大使馆或领事馆查询. Most international students will fill in the online DS-160 application form and follow the instructions shown on the U.S. 国务院网站.

We also encourage you to:

  • Carefully review the 政府网站上的学生签证页面 哪个网站有更多关于申请流程和签证面试的信息.
  • Read through the FAQs on the government website before you fill in the DS-160 application form for your visa so you know exactly what to expect and what information you need to have ready 当你开始网上申请的时候.

After you have completed the visa form DS-160, be sure to print a copy of your receipt for payment of your F-1 visa application, as well as the confirmation page which contains 你的申请ID号,并显示你已经完成了这个过程.


After you have completed the online visa application process, you should schedule 你在美国签证面谈的预约.S. 该国的大使馆或领事馆 where you live. 你可以把面试安排在另一家美国公司.S. Embassy or Consulate, but be aware that it may be more difficult to qualify for a visa outside of the country where you reside.

Important tip! 获得签证预约的等待时间可能很长. Please check the official government website 查看预计等待时间并提前计划!

Check the wait time

4. 为签证面试做好准备

请务必阅读上面的所有信息 Student Visa page of the U.S. government website which has more details about the documents you need to take with you to your visa interview and how to prepare, as well as the steps you need to take if you wish to 在将来的任何时候更改您的状态.


Please be sure to have printed copies of your documents,因为电子版本将不被接受. 请检查您的电子邮件,以确保您有 我已经从网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行收到了所有你需要的文件.


  • 护照,有效期至少6个月.
  • 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的I-20移民表.
  • SEVIS Form I-901 payment receipt.
  • F-1签证申请费打印收据.
  • Your confirmation page (with your application ID number on it) from your online DS-160 application.
  • Financial documents as proof of your ability to pay tuition and fees (including any 你可能收到过的奖学金信).
  • Letter of Acceptance from Snow College, and proof of receipt of enrollment deposit payment.


签证面试被认为是一个正式的事件. As such, business clothes are 合适而且会给人留下好印象.

演讲要清晰具体,但不要死记硬背. 警官们希望你诚实, natural and authentic.

F-1签证是非移民签证. 请做好回答以下问题的准备 your future plans, such as jobs you will apply for after you earn your degree. You 应能清楚地回答以下问题:

  • “你为什么选择网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行??“如果你在教育展上见过我们,请 通过与我们交谈来分享你所学到的.
  • “你怎么支付你的学费??“你必须证明你有能力学习 in America. 记住:教育第一,就业第二.
  • “完成学业后你有什么计划??" Even if you don’t know exactly 你想做什么,你应该有一个想法. 例如,如果你打算继续 攻读另一个学位(学士、硕士等).)毕业后,这是一个伟大的 time to mention 我们与大学的2 + 2伙伴关系 从网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行毕业后可以转到哪里. 或者,如果你打算回家工作 after you earn your Associate's Degree from Snow, then you can explain how an education 从斯诺将帮助您申请某些类型的工作回家.


祝你签证面试顺利! 完成这些步骤后,您就可以移动了 to the next stage as you prepare for your arrival.